Help Us Grow Our Programs
Make a year-end donation to broaden our reach in 2025
As we approach the beginning of 2025, we want to continue to expand our programs. Your donations will help to increase the capacity of the Kateri Tekakwitha Fund programs and impact the lives of more women.
2024 Successes
Sandra dreamed of going into the medical field, and a Kateri Healthcare Scholarship provided the financial help she needed to continue her studies.
Despite this, the road was not smooth for Sandra. Her young son faced health challenges that added stress and worry to her family. At times she wanted to give up on her education, but program mentor Karyn Choy worked with her to provide encouragement and moral support.
In 2024, Sandra graduated from the nursing program. She is now ready to work in this field. She dreams of opening her own pharmacy, helping to support the health and well-being of the wider community while also providing for her own family.
"I thank you so much for your support of my studies," she says. "It encourages me to keep moving forward and fighting for my dream."
Learn about our nursing students.
Daniela is one of the 2024 interns, completing her internship as a school secretary. As part of the administration, she works closely with the bookkeeper and the principal, who describes her as a "fundamental piece" in the functioning of the organization.
Because the school struggles to have the resources they need, including staff, the internship program helps them in their operations, allowing them to provide additional support for their students.
Daniela recognizes the varied emotions that come from new experiences in the workplace. "There are moments of nervousness, happiness, surprise, which benefit us a lot to help us to develop our skills," she says. In the end she strives for "small steps but big achievements."
2025 Goals
Moving into the new year, we want to continue to build these programs. We currently have plans to add slots to both the Internship and Healthcare Scholarship programs. Even with these additional spots, we're unable to support all who apply.
During the recent application period, we were able to accept less than 10 percent of applicants to the Healthcare Scholarship program. Many women want to enter into this field, as there is a real need for medical professionals. Increased scholarships support the women who are able to pursue their education and continue on to an in-demand profession, as well as the communities who benefit from having skilled nurses.
The Internships also provide valuable work experience as well as support to other nonprofits and community organizations. Additional positions will increase the impact of the program.
Thank you for your support in reaching our goal!